Sarhan Barhan Hussein Sarhan
Date of Birth : 1983-01-01
Place of Birth :
Marital status : Single
Place of martyrdom / disappearance : Tulkarem Refugee Camp
Date of martyrdom / disappearance 2003-10-04
Martyrdom / disappearance conditions
Sarhan was wanted by the Israeli Security Services, where by deceiving him. they called his mobile phone under the name of one of his friends. When he arrived to the scene, a group from the Special Forces (undercover) were waiting for him, showered bullets, and killing him instantly. Coincidentally, it was the very same place, where the killing of a child named Ayman Barham also occurred. The Israeli Special Forces kidnapped Sarhan's body, which lead to unsuccessful attempts to recover his body.
Source of Information : His father Mr. Barhan Hussein Mohammed Sarhan