Mohammed Atiyeh Fareej
Date of Birth : 1970-01-01
Place of Birth : Jordan
Marital status : Single
Place of martyrdom / disappearance : The Palestinian side of the Jordan Valley
Date of martyrdom / disappearance 1970-01-01
Martyrdom / disappearance conditions
Mohammed Atiyeh Fareej crossed the Jordanian borders towards Palestine to execute a military operation in coalition with Majed Ahmed Khaleef Bani Hasan against the Israeli Occupying Forces. The battle resulted with two Israeli settlers killed and a number of soldiers injured. Mohammed Atiyeh Fareejs family attempted to contact several organizations that could determine his whereabouts and fate. Some these organizations are: Amnesty International, the Human Rights Organization, the International Red Cross, and the Foundation for Arab Prisoners. Unfortunately, such organizations could not achieve Mohammeds proof of life or death. Yet however, Amnesty International sent a letter to his family saying that it is likely that Mohammed is alive and mostly likely imprisoned in Ashkelon Prison.
Source of Information : Jordanian Engineers Association – Freedom Association